Central Youth is launching a new FUNdraiser: Flamingo-ing! You may see these pink birds roosting on a lawn near you! Find out how to join in on the fun below!

1) Flamingo a Friend!

Make a $20 donation and use the link below to send a flock of pink flamingos to your Christ Central friends’, family members’, or neighbors’ front yard! These birds will stay for 3 days until they mysteriously migrate to another yard!

2) Be Gone Pesky Pesks!

If you’ve been flocked and a 3-day stay feels too long, you can donate $20 to have them removed sooner!

3) Flocking Insurance!

Protect your lawn from the flocks! Use the link below to donate $20 and insure your lawn against pink birds.

4) Find Your Foe!

Are you dying to know who flamingo-ed you? Donate $10 to find your foe!